Gökotta Dawn Chorus Experience
Experience the Swedish art of rising for the dawn chorus
Next booking for:
Spring 2024 - see all dates
In a new event for 2024, we invite you to experience spring’s dawn chorus the Swedish way, in the Sussex countryside.
Gökotta is a Swedish word for the act of rising early and going outside into nature and birdsong
Each gökotta experience includes:
Before the day, step-by-step audio lessons on how to recognise five key woodland species by sound and an introduction to the dawn chorus
A gentle walk along wildlife rich hedgerows and woodland edge
A sit-down question-and-answer session around a breakfast fire with authentic Swedish fika refreshments of coffee and sugary pastries
With luck, the songs of Nightingale, several species of warbler and thrush, woodpeckers, owls, finches, tits, Nuthatch, Treecreeper, Stock Dove and other woodland birds
Option to camp at our beautiful venue, The Secret Campsite, near Lewes, East Sussex
Small group size (maximum 12 participants)
Starting 30 minutes before dawn, finishing by 9am
This event is led by Birdsong Academy founder and author of Shriek of the Week, Charlie Peverett.
A few essential details
ROUTE: A slow walk up to a mile long and mainly flat (but the ground can be uneven and may be muddy in places)
WEATHER: The event will go ahead unless there is a weather warning for rain or wind in place
CHILDREN: Accompanied children 10+ are welcome to attend
DOGS are brilliant, but need to be left at home for this one
The cost is £55 per person, reduced to £50 if you can share a lift and / or camp the previous night, and £40 for Birdsong Academy course graduates & paying subscribers to Shriek of the Week.
Birdsong Essentials or Birdsong 101 course student? Please contact us if you need the discount code.
Book your spot
Each gökotta event is limited to a maximum of 12 participants.
Any questions?
About the event: contact or Birdsong Academy: hello@birdsong.academy
About camping for this event: Contact the Secret Campsite